May 28, 2014


Mario Kart 8 Price Alerts

Come May 30th, Mario Kart 8 will launch on Wii U and if you purchase and register it before July 31, you can claim one of ten Wii U titles for no additional charge. How generous! The full list is shown below.. New Super Mario Brothers U Wind Waker HD…


Watch Dogs Price Alerts

Over the last few weeks, gaming news seems to have been dominated by two stories: the concern or anticipation – depending on your view point – of the strictly embargoed Watch Dogs and that Microsoft have been listening to their customers and making changes accordingly. A week later and Watch…


Pushmo Wii U release confirmed

Good news for Nintendo fans. Pushmo, the highly successful 3DS puzzler, will see a Wii U release in the not too distant future. For starters, the graphics look crisp and refined in High Definition and a notable step up from the 3DS handheld. It also appears that Wii U owners…

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