Articles by Expansive


More Dead Rising 3 DLC is out now. It has a crazy name.

Another surprise announcement and one we’re a bit confounded by. A new Dead Rising 3 DLC has released today. SuperUltraDeadRising3ArcadeRemixHyperEditionEXPlusAlpha (yes that is REALLY its name) is out right now. It seems like the ultimate spoof-em-off, with Capcom actually releasing something that lets you play Dead Rising characters, old and new,…


June 2014 DLC Release Schedule

June is all about the E3 hype-train. Expectedly, the game releases have slowed down considerably, and those that are releasing are not seeing a great amount of content. At least, not right away. Most have pre-order incentives, such as the Bruce Lee character for UFC and Wildstar’s Deluxe Edition extras….


Pushmo Wii U release confirmed

Good news for Nintendo fans. Pushmo, the highly successful 3DS puzzler, will see a Wii U release in the not too distant future. For starters, the graphics look crisp and refined in High Definition and a notable step up from the 3DS handheld. It also appears that Wii U owners…

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