Content Update

Arma 3 gets free Zeus DLC

Arma 3 received a free update today, entitled Zeus. This free DLC puts players in the shoes of Game Master (no, not the monocole-wearing Star Gazer!) – This allows you to view the battlefield from a birds-eye view and manipulate a multiplayer scenario in real-time. As editor, you can spawn…


Gadget Show Live 2014 Indie Games

Gadget Show Live 2014 Indie Games The Gadget Show Live was a fantastic opportunity to experience and play some really interesting and inventive games currently in development within the Indie games scene, as well as a fewer bigger titles that have recently been released. All of the games, bar one,…

Content Update

Forza V Long Beach Circuit now available

Starting today, the Long Beach Circuit will be available to download and play in Forza Motorsport V. This free update adds the course to the Forza franchise for the very first time. Set in Southern California, the Long Beach course is an almost picture perfect representation of the course itself,…

Content Update

Review: Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2

Developer: Irrational Games Release Date: Out now Format: PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Version Tested: Xbox 360 Price: £8.99, or part of Bioshock Infinite Season Pass   Episode One of Burial at Sea ended with a hefty-sized cliffhanger. Needless to say, the six month wait has been pretty arduous considering the quality of the narrative. That’s…


Review: The Wolf Among Us – A Crooked Mile

Developer: Telltale Games Release Date: Out now Format: PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Vita Version Tested: PC Price: £3.99, or part of TWAU season pass The dramatic concluding events of Episode 2 flow directly into the opening of Episode 3. A Crooked Mile starts off with a bang and synchs up wonderfully with everything that has…

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