Starcraft 2 modified into … Diablo 2?!
One of the most impressive transitions devised in the Starcraft 2 Map Editor to date, modder Egodbout has decided to convert the popular RTS strategy into another popular Blizzard title, Diablo 2.
One of the most impressive transitions devised in the Starcraft 2 Map Editor to date, modder Egodbout has decided to convert the popular RTS strategy into another popular Blizzard title, Diablo 2.
An amazing new Skyrim mod will completely change the way the game is played. Instead of seeing snow-capped mountains and fully fledged blizzards, players will now be able to experience a totally tropical nirvana.
For years, Crysis has set the benchmark for amazing graphics. Now, thanks to modder Nathan Andrews, Crysis is going to be setting the benchmark once again, but for a whole new reason.
DayZ, the hugely popular mod for the significantly less popular 2009 shooter ARMA2: Combined Ops has had an update adding a variety of fixes and exciting new features.
The ever popular Trials Evolution will hit PC this March, but what exactly is the Gold Edition? We got some hands-on time with the game and liked what we saw…
NoFaTe and thoseclever folks at Emulator Nexus have been beavering away since 2010 on reverse engineering Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Ryan Winzen and the plucky folks at SCU have put their troubles with Blizzard behind them and released StarCraft Universe: Chronicles of Fate, the long awaited StarCraft 2 mod.
Aliens: Colonial Marines is about to get the lighting and graphics it deserves.