Aliens Colonial Marines gets difficulty adjustment and other fixes
A new patch has been released for Aliens: Colonial Marines that, amongst other things, adjusts the easiest difficulty setting.
A new patch has been released for Aliens: Colonial Marines that, amongst other things, adjusts the easiest difficulty setting.
Saint’s Row IV developer Volition Inc has confirmed that the game’s first downloadable expansion pack, entitled ‘Enter the Dominatrix’ will launch within 45 days of the game’s release in August. Originally coined as a DLC pack for Saint’s Row the Third, the concept of Enter the Dominatrix will involve players…
In honour of the President of Saints Row IV, Deep Silver has declared this to be “Hail to the Chief” week. The first in a series of new videos has been recently released and shows a slightly disturbing and sketchy looking character in a furry suit. With the promise of…
There’s a Gat and he’s back in the latest Saints Row. He had a few issues in the past, but the elvis hair-styled karate machine is ass-kicking his way into the latest Saints Row title. In this trailer he brings machine guns, tanks, kung-fu moves, even a mother-trucking HADOOOOOOUKEN! This…
Arkham Origins is going to look at Batman’s gritty, dark, rugged past. He’s young, brash and a bit off-the-rails. However, he’s still got to have his head screwed on because there are 8 assassins tracing him.
We’ve gleaned some new details on Battlefield 4’s singleplayer campaign and there’s some interesting bits you may or may not want to know. Well, we wanted to know about them, and we don’t care if you don’t want to know, so we reported on them. Because we’re brats like that…
That pretty awesome Angry Birds game thats based on that rather famous franchise is going outside of the mobile platform and moving onto consoles. So that’s pretty swell…
Well, it may not be as drastic as all that. New gameplay footage is being shown off in a new trailer and it looks a bit bloody good. But that voice? No, Michael Ironside. Yes, he is missed… Anyway, times are changing and all that. Watch this trailer for plane…
We haven’t seen the Last Light of Metro. Not by a long shot. The Faction Pack is now available on XBLA, PSN and Steam. The add on content will bring three original singleplayer campaign missions into the game, casting the player as a different specialist from the warring factions. There’s…
After the success of Firaxis’ wonderful XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the pressure is on for 2K Marin to come up with the goods with The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. If anyone can do it, though, it’s the brains behind Bioshock 2, surely? Let’s take a gander at their latest trailer and see how they’re…